
December 31, 2015 / michael / Transformation / No Comment

 Alternate dimensions were once a topic of science fiction, but now other realities are accepted; quantum physics is exploring inter-dimensional travel and other phenomena. It is becoming a common discussion that is slowly integrating into everyday life.

Dimension is just another way of describing energetic densities. Each level or dimension, such as first or second, has a particular frequency that is either denser or lighter than the dimension before or after it, depending on your perspective.

Inter-dimensional travel is possible when you understand how to lighten, or raise, your frequencies. When the physical is made less dense, the image of the physical reality can move into a parallel reality and be seen and have experiences there. This differs from an out-of-body experience. In an out-of-body experience, the physical body is actually left behind.

Inter-dimensional travel transforms the physical into a light body that can then travel inter-dimensionally.

Transforming your physical denseness into a lighter frequency allows for what the mystics have called shape shifting. Although it may seem far-fetched, this concept is about opening your consciousness to possible realities rather than remaining in a limited reality. Whether you decide to believe or remember this information or not is up to you. This is simply written to stimulate your consciousness to remember what your spirit already knows.


by Michael Cavallaro

Those of you who are expanding your consciousness are remembering how to live multi-dimensionally, meaning to live consciously in multiple or realities frequencies simultaneously. This can be quite challenging because when you first transition and integrate new frequencies, it can feel awkward.

You may experience and see things in a different way or feel like you do not belong. You may feel strange in your body, you may feel peculiar when around other human beings, especially those who are not expanding their consciousness. You may also get the sense that you are dying.

Changing from dense physical matter to higher frequencies is often experienced by the ego/personality as a death. If you understand that you are in a transformation or that you are morphing it will be easier for you to make the transitions. Rest assured that this will settle down after a time. It is like learning any new skill; at first it feels strange or contrived but eventually, it feels natural.

In truth, my fellow beings of light, there is no death there is only transformation. Only the ego/personality perceives death. The ego/personality is not who you are, it is only a tool to live in the denser dimensions. Realizing this makes the journey easier.

When you have unconditional acceptance of self in all ways, you will find your peace and your truth.



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