
Showing all 7 results

  • The 55 Concepts Ebook


    The 55 Concepts Ebook


    The 55 Concepts are simple, yet powerful tools that when put into practice can change your life. While you may be able to read the book in one sitting, integrating the Concepts into your life brings you to a new level of clarity, understanding, and ability to create what you want. Concept books are great gifts for those who want to know more, the young person starting out, or those who truly value personal growth. Purchase the book for yourself, your group, or office for practical ideas for transformational change.

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  • The 55 Concepts Journal & Workbook


    The 55 Concepts Journal & Workbook


    Questions and journal notes to take you deeper into the Concepts, increases your self-awareness and brings you closer to creating the life of your choice.

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  • Thoughts, Beliefs, Knowings & More Ebook


    Thoughts, Beliefs, Knowings & More Ebook


    Personal growth and enlightenment are much simpler than most people allow them to be. We often believe the outside world creates our reality, yet this book shows how your thoughts, beliefs, knowings, and more, affect your life in both conscious and unconscious ways. See how changing these helps you create new realities and choice for yourself. (86 pages)


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  • Change Your Mind, Not Your Child Ebook


    Change Your Mind, Not Your Child Ebook


    Becoming a model of love and self-actualization is the best gift you can give a child, or anyone for that matter. “Change Your Mind Not Your Child, Loving Your Child by Raising Your Consciousness,” provides a powerful, new way of being and transforms not only the way you live, but also the way you experience yourself, your parenting, and your children. This new paradigm that will assist you and your children in becoming conscious, self-directed and loving human beings and enrich the experience of both parenting and growing up. Here is more about the book.  (223 pages)

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  • Loving Yourself


    Loving Yourself


    What is love? There are so many versions we are sold… What is it really? We look for love outside of ourselves, but loving yourself is where true love begins. You can’t love anyone more than you love yourself, and although this is seldom taught, we need to learn exactly what it means to “love yourself.” Stop searching and instead learn what love means, how to truly love, and become the love of your life. (91 pages)

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  • Ramblings Ebook


    Ramblings Ebook


    This book contains an abundance of wisdom, presented in a very simple form. Don’t mistake the simplicity, for lack of depth. It may seem easy to understand yet if you really understand what is in this book and look within yourself, you will find that the wisdom will affect you at many levels.

    This book can be used as an Oracle for things that you need to understand that are going on in your life. It will also give you great insights that can change your way of thinking and experiencing the world. It is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that can assist you in understanding how human beings, including yourself, operate. Ramblings is worded in the way that it is written in order to elicit your thought and stimulate curiosity as well is confirm things you already know. (200 pages)

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  • Seven Steps to Freedom E-Book


    Seven Steps to Freedom E-Book


    So… you know you have beliefs that aren’t serving you, but how do you pinpoint exactly what they are and how to end them? The “Seven Steps to Freedom” helps you become aware of the limiting beliefs that create problems/unhappiness and gives you a process to free yourself of those beliefs. By using these steps, you will begin to see the limitations you have put on your life and begin, or complete, your journey to being a self-directed creator of your own life. (24 pages)

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